Federazioni e Società Scientifiche Partner

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Federazioni e Società Scientifiche Partner

The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, represents a large number of national European neuroscience societies and several monodisciplinary societies. FENS was founded in 1998 at the Forum of European Neuroscience in Berlin and is the successor organisation of ENA, the European Neuroscience Association. FENS was founded with the goals of advancing research and education in neuroscience and representing neuroscience research in the European Commission, IBRO, and other granting bodies. FENS is the European partner of the American Society for Neuroscience. FENS is governed by the FENS Governing Council . The FENS Governing Council is formed by representatives of all member societies. The Council convenes at least once a year and chooses committee members, officers, the venue of the next meeting etc. The day to day FENS administration is delegated to the Executive Committee , as elected by the Council. Members of the Executive Committee are elected for two years, and can be re-elected only once. The Executive Committee is supported by the FENS Administration. For a complete overview and more information on the committees and adminstration see our structure page .

The International Committee of Neuropathology, founded in 1950, was re-formed in Copenhagen in 1967 as the International Society of Neuropathology, a non-profit making scientific organization. The aims of the Society are to further the science of neuropathology by:
• Initiating and maintaining permanent co-operation between national and regional societies of neuropathology.
• Fostering the formation of national and regional societies of neuropathology.
• Fostering and maintaining links with other international organisations in the field of neurological sciences and in the various appropriate branches of neuropathology. Initiation of international congresses, meetings, colloquia, symposia and research projects in the field of neuropathology.
• Encouraging the exchange of information and the publication of matters relevant to the science of neuropathology in its official journal and other publications.
• Encouraging the exchange of persons engaged in neuropathology as between one country and another with special reference to those undergoing training.

The members of Euro-CNS shall be European Neuropathologists, or Neuropathologists practising in European Countries, of the European Community and European Free Trade Association, with an interest in establishing and maintaining harmonisation of the practice and training in Neuropathology throughout Europe.
Euro-CNS will promote high standards of practice through systems of audit and accreditation.
Euro-CNS will encourage collaboration between European Neuropathologists and movement of Neuropathologists between the member states of Europe at both senior and junior level.
Euro-CNS will promote interest in the discipline and the exchange of scientific information between members through the organisation of regular meetings.

La SIN è stata fondata nel 1907 ed ha lo scopo istituzionale di promuovere in Italia gli studi neurologici, finalizzati allo sviluppo della ricerca scientifica, alla formazione, all’aggiornamento degli specialisti e al miglioramento della qualità professionale nell’assistenza ai soggetti con malattie del sistema nervoso.
La SIN è la società degli specialisti neurologi, sia che lavorino nel pubblico o nel privato, sul territorio, negli Ospedali o nell’Università.
Il numero dei soci è notevolmente aumentato negli ultimi anni, superando nel 2008 il numero di 3000.

A.I.N.P e N.C.

Associazione italiana neuropatologia e neurobiologia clinica
